CarrotLand is under siege by the Pig National Army and
the future for the happy-go -lucky peace loving Rabbits looks bleak. Their
only hope is to launch a skilful, guerrilla-style counter attack using a
light, mobile shock force comprised of their remaining units. |
The war is on. Will gamers choose to join the Rabbits
or Pigs?
The Pig National Army have crossed the border and entered
CarrotLand, destroying most of the country. The Rabbit capital is under siege
and the future looks bleak for the peace-loving Rabbits. Their only hope
is to launch a skilful guerrilla counter-attack using a light mobile shock
S.W.I.N.E. is an exciting RTS that successfully takes
the genre into new areas, combining incredible visuals, wonderful characters
and gripping gameplay.
Superb graphics thrust gamers into the
battlefield action
Detailed characters provide players with
a greater depth to the action
30 absorbing missions and exciting multiplayer
games including Capture The Flag, Deathmatch, Destroy The Base,
10 massive multiplayer levels for play
in a gripping WAR mode
Hugely varied terrain and weather effects
bring the game to life
Minimum: Windows 95/98/ME/XP, Pentium
II 300, 64 MB, DirectX 8.0, compatible Sound and graphics card